Original source: https://storage.needpix.com/rsynced_images/ticket-3567237_1280.jpg

As a modern certification in today's business world, the Certified Modern Banking Representative (CMBR) covers updated material that allows new, entry-level employees to develop in their careers and equips them to take on modern banking challenges with knowledge, confidence, and skill. This is an entry-level certification for banking representatives that applies to a broad group of job seekers. Certification can offer a clear pathway to employment in the banking industry.

Courses included in this certificate are: Fighting Fraud, Banking Today, Legal Foundations in Banking, Quality Service and Certified Modern Banking Rep. Exam.

For more informaiton or to register please click the link.

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Image uploaded by MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Exam

with MindEdge Instructor

$699 More Info

To secure MindEdge's Six Sigma Black Belt Certification, practitioners must demonstrate mastery of Six Sigma by completing a timed online assessment and providing details of a Six Sigma project they are involved in.This four-hour, timed assessment tests an individual's competency and comprehension of Six Sigma principles, strategies, tools, and techniques. This exam includes multiple-choice and essay questions and covers all aspects of the DMAIC methodology and its implementation. Questions are posed in several configurations that ask test takers to identify, calculate, analyze, and apply their knowledge, to demonstrate their ability to perform as important members of improvement teams.If practitioners successfully complete the exam assessment, they are then asked to provide information and updates for a new or ongoing project they are immersed in. The information and updates will be evaluated by a panel of experts who may ask questions or request additional information to ensure that participants are well versed and able to successfully complete a Six Sigma project, before certification can be conferred.Material for the online assessment exam can be taken from multiple sources and references, which are listed in the application PDF for reference. To apply to take MindEdge's Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Program, please download the application by clicking on the "Download Application" button. Complete the application by typing directly into the form and saving to your computer, then send your completed application to sixsigma@mindedge.com. Your application will be reviewed and you will be contacted in 3-5 business days.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Image uploaded by MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Nonprofit Skills®: Implementing the Strategy

with MindEdge Instructor

Price not available More Info

Nonprofit Skills®: Implementing the Strategy provides learners with an understanding of the resources and skills required to effectively implement a nonprofit strategic plan. They will learn how to break strategic goals and objectives into milestones with clear deliverables and how to use project management tools to outline timelines, tasks, roles, and responsibilities. This course also covers best practices for leading an implementation team, monitoring and reporting progress, identifying risks, and responding to some common challenges nonprofit leaders face when implementing the strategy.

For more information or to register click the link.

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Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/4449/37860982266_d12328a372_b.jpg

Body Language for Women in Business

with MindEdge Instructor

By understanding the impact of body language, leaders can learn how to communicate in a way that builds and sustains positive relationships with employees, clients, and business partners. This course will help women business leaders learn how to read body language cues and use them to exude both strength and warmth. It considers the role and impact of gender stereotypes in nonverbal communication and explains how facial expressions, hand gestures, body movements, and eye contact can be used in various business situations like negotiations. The course also addresses cross-cultural body language and explores the role of body language in virtual communication.

For more information or to register please click on the link.

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Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/8549/29402709463_4d693aee71_b.jpg

Data and Human Resource Management

with MindEdge Instructor

Big data and data analytics are changing how businesses run and managers do their jobs. In this course, you will explore how human resource managers use data to provide better support to the employees they manage and to contribute to the strategic practices of their organizations. You will learn about different kinds of data and analyses, and you will consider how data collection and organization may factor into problem-solving processes. We will also review issues pertaining to data collection and employee privacy and confidentiality.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/7792/17623764646_6104b2e99f_b.jpg

As organizations become increasingly globalized and as legal environments quickly evolve, the importance of governance, risk management, and compliance continues to gain in importance. Regulatory compliance forces organizations to better manage their data as noncompliance can lead to penalties, fines, and worse. With the proper governance and risk management structures in place, an organization can better manage data and risk to improve business outcomes while adhering to regulations. This course is designed for IT professionals and other adult learners who are interested in furthering their knowledge of governance, risk management, and compliance as these relate to information technology.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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