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A to Z Grant Writing II – Beyond the Basics

with Ed2Go Instructor

Price not available More Info

Are you ready to continue your journey into the world of grants? You will learn how to create a fundraising plan for all types of grantmakers. In addition, you will explore websites for finding and reviewing corporate, foundation, and government grant funding opportunities and grant application guidelines.

You will go through every aspect of strategic funding research, preparing a fundraising plan, writing an award-winning plan of operation, and creating a project budget without red flags. Then you will journey into the world of grants available for your projects. The excitement will build when you discover just how many funding opportunities are available.

You will see grants for arts and humanities, education, medical, science and agriculture, human services, and corporate foundation grants. You will also explore new grant-writing trends and what to do when you're notified of a grant award or a grant rejection. Don't worry, there's a plan to implement for future grant seeking success if you don't get your project funded.

By the end of the course, you will be prepared to continue tracking future grant-writing and funding trends, bounce back successfully from rejection notices, and manage all of your grant awards proficiently. In addition, you will gain confidence in all areas of grant seeking, grant writing, and grants management (post-award reporting requirements).

For more information please click the link.

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Image uploaded by MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Accounting with MS Excel 2019 Suite

with Ed2Go Instructor

Price not available More Info

Learning Excel is an important first step toward an accounting career. As the most widely-used spreadsheet software, Microsoft Excel is used by accountants to analyze data, create reports, and prepare forecasts. This online accounting course suite will teach you fundamental accounting skills, while training you to use Microsoft Excel 2019.

Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2019:

Become proficient in using Microsoft Excel 2019 (now available through Office 365) and discover how to create worksheets, workbooks, charts, and graphs quickly and efficiently.

Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2019:

Take your Microsoft Excel 2019 skills to the next level as you master charts, graphs, PivotTables, Slicers, Sparklines, AutoFilter, macros, and other advanced Excel functions.

Accounting Fundamentals:

Gain a marketable new skill by learning the basics of double-entry bookkeeping, financial reporting, and more.

Accounting Fundamentals II:

Learn the high demand accounting skills needed at small-to-medium sized businesses.

Please complete the courses in the bundle two months apart to avoid overlapping. Suite bundles are not eligible for partial drops or refunds. Transfers to other open sessions of the same course are available. Please refer to your school for additional details regarding drops, transfers, and refunds on Suite bundles.

This class is Instructor led.  This class will have 4 sessions.  Starting dates are Jan 18th, Feb 15th, March 15th and April 12th.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Class has begun
Original source: https://media.defense.gov/2022/Nov/10/2003113286/1920/1080/0/221110-N-CD227-001.JPG

Fundamentals of Supervision and Management II

with Ed2Go Instructor

Price not available More Info

Have you ever felt technically prepared for a supervisor's role, yet felt defeated by all of the people issues that seem to arise? You are not alone; many people feel the same way. In this online course, you will learn how to be a more effective manager or supervisor. You will master the basics of communication, because effective communication is essential in your quest to be a good manager or supervisor.

In addition, you will learn how you can develop your interpersonal skills by understanding and dealing with the various people issues that arise at work. You will see how you can understand various personality traits and how they impact the ability to get the job done. These traits include emotional intelligence, the need for power, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and more. You will be able to assess your own personality, as well as the personalities of your co-workers and boss, and you'll develop a plan of action to improve both your interpersonal skills and your work relationships.

Instructor-Led classes begin on Jun 14, Jul 12, Aug 16 and Sept 13.

Self-Paced classes start at anytime.  For more information or to register please click the link.

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Original source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0b/Legal_Gavel_%26_Open_Law_Book_%2827905720280%29.jpg/1280px-Legal_Gavel_%26_Open_Law_Book_%2827905720280%29.jpg

Introduction to Law Suite

with Ed2Go Instructor

Price not available More Info

Real Estate Law dives into the legal issues involved in real estate field, such as sales to title examinations. You will learn from real world examples to better understand how real estate law is used in day-to-day real estate practice and investing.

Employment Law Fundamentals explores the basics of employment law. You will gain an understanding of federal employment laws that dictate employee benefits, hiring practices, evaluation and termination procedures, conflict resolution, discrimination and union laws, and workplace safety rules.

Introduction to Criminal Law explores one of the most fascinating areas of legal practice. You will get a behind-the-scenes look at criminal law by examining the world of prosecutors, defense attorneys, and the paralegals who work closely with them.

Suite bundles are not eligible for partial drops or refunds. Transfers to other open sessions of the same course are available. Please refer to your school for additional details regarding drops, transfers, and refunds on Suite bundles.

Instructor-Led dates are as follows May 17, Jun 14, July 12 and Aug 16.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Image uploaded by MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Advanced Microsoft Excel 2019

with Ed2Go Instructor

Price not available More Info

Most organizations rely heavily on Microsoft Excel to consolidate, analyze, and report financial information and other important data. Your company is probably no exception. If you work with data of any kind, learning Excel's advanced functions to taking on greater responsibilities in your organization.

This course will help you master many features in Microsoft Excel 2019 that most users don't know exist. You will learn the secret to using formula-based conditional formatting as a creative solution to common issues. You will also learn how to leverage Excel's Power Query tool to import and transform data from about any data source. By the time you finish this course, you will have mastered Microsoft Excel 2019 and will be able to better serve your company's data management needs.

This course is offered as Instructor led or self-paced.  For more information or to register please click the link.

Class has begun
Original source: https://storage.needpix.com/rsynced_images/agriculture-2499861_1280.jpg

Introduction to Journaling

with Ed2Go Instructor

Price not available More Info

If you have ever wanted to try journaling, this course will provide answers to your every question. You will discover the different types of journaling and many journaling techniques, exercises, tools and resources. You will explore a seven-step process that will ease you into writing a journal. You will get detailed instructions on developing, decorating, and customizing your journal, and you will learn exciting new ways to express yourself and develop your creativity.

You will discover how you can use your journal to explore your thoughts, feelings, and values, and you will learn how to use your journal to support your emotional well-being. You will also understand how journaling can ease the stress of unwanted change throughout the course of your life. You'll even discover how journaling can help you choose the best career for you or advance in your current career.

Instructor-Led dates are as follows May 17, Jun 14, July 12 and Aug 16.

Self-Paced classes start anytime.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Class has begun