Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/4154/4970046754_41929d9e79_b.jpg

Become an Optical Assistant

with Ed2Go Instructor

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If you think you'd like to become an optical assistant, this is the course for you! You'll take a comprehensive look at the diverse world of optical assisting. You'll see why optometry is such an interesting field and how rewarding it can be to help people solve their vision problems.

You will be amazed to learn all the different places optical assistants can work! You'll cover optical assisting in private practice, healthcare clinics, the military, teaching facilities, and in retail sales. You'll discover the personal and professional skills needed to work in a front and back office and in an optical dispensary and lab. You will understand all the things optical assistants must know about frames, styles, lenses, contact lenses, and working with people. Along the way, you'll discover how the human eye works, and examine some common eye conditions. Finally, you will learn how to become certified and licensed, which will open up even more opportunities for you and identify you as an expert. This course is an ideal springboard for starting a career in this growing and ever-in-demand field!

This is an instructor led course.  Available class dates are April 12, May 17, Jun 14 and July 12.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Original source: https://storage.needpix.com/rsynced_images/team-386673_1280.jpg

Achieving Success with Difficult People

with Ed2Go Instructor

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This course will teach you how to see things from others' viewpoints based on their needs, values, beliefs, experiences, skills, knowledge, and self-interests. You will learn to approach difficult situations by answering the questions: who? what? where? when? how? and why? By answering these questions, you will understand who your difficult people are, what they're like, how you react to them, and their response to your actions.

You will also practice analyzing your interactions with those you share space with. By observing others closely, you will learn to read their identifying characteristics. Once you can identify which type of person you're dealing with, you will be able to choose appropriate reactions to their behaviors.

By the time you finish this course, you will understand that assertiveness involves taking responsibility when meeting your needs in a way that preserves the dignity and rights of others.

Instructor-Led dates are as follows Jun 14, July 12, Aug 16 and Sept 13.

Self-Paced classes start anytime.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Image uploaded by MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Creating Classroom Centers

with Ed2Go Instructor

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Learn how to create a classroom website in this fun, easy-to-understand course for teachers. In no time, you'll build an interactive site with text, images, videos, and more. We will cover how to create an engaging website that visitors will want to come back to again and again. You will see how creating a classroom website will help with the home-school connection every teacher strives for. Finally, you will discover how simple it is to create a classroom website and how having one can make you a more effective and dynamic teacher.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Image uploaded by MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Teaching Students With ADHD

with Ed2Go Instructor

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In this course, you will discover practical ways to help children with ADHD control their behavior and succeed in school. You will be learning from the real experts: the children themselves. You will find out how Kristi controls her behavior and how Wanda handles boredom. You will see how Adam jump-starts his thought processes, how Harry satisfies his need to move without bothering his teacher, and how Darren aces his homework.

In addition, you will hear from parents and teachers about the amazing benefits of simple adaptations in space, structure, rules, and expectations. You will also explore some myths and facts about ADHD and see how this condition affects motivation, activity level, attention, and memory. By the time you're done, you will have the skills and knowledge needed to help students with ADHD achieve their full potential.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Transactional Drafting

with Ed2Go Instructor

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Transactional legal professionals negotiate, draft and interpret contracts. This course will teach the provisions included in different types of general contracts, M&A documents and SEC documents. You will also learn drafting standards and work hands-on drafting, interpreting and negotiating various document provisions.

For more info please click here.

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Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/7364/27623264486_115c435657_b.jpg

Diversity Training for Employees and Managers

with Ed2Go Instructor

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This Diversity Training for Employees and Managers is ideal for anyone working in a professional environment. The course brings people together by focusing on principles like respect, acceptance and inclusivity. It is designed to help employees and managers gain a better understanding of the skills, characteristics, and talents that each person brings to the table regardless of their background. The class emphasizes the need to communicate, negotiate, and collaborate in a diverse environment both internally and externally.

For more information please click on the link.

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