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Mastering Public Speaking

with Ed2Go Instructor

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You can become an effective public speaker! In this course, you will discover how to talk confidently and persuasively to both large audiences and small groups. You will also learn how to plan and deliver your presentations skillfully and how to manage one of the most common public speaking barriers—fear.

You'll learn the secrets to presenting a speech, how to handle questions and manage conflict in meetings, and even how to shine in a job interview. You will get tips for training your voice and learn how to use both verbal and nonverbal communication effectively. By the time you finish this course, you'll have an entire set of skills you can use on the job, in social settings, and in any other situation where you need to communicate with ease and authority!

For more information or to register click the link.

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Solving Classroom Discipline Problems II

with Ed2Go Instructor

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In this professional development course, you'll get the teacher training you need to deal effectively with serious discipline problems and help even the most challenging students you're teaching make more responsible choices. You'll discover how to use a new research-based six-step approach to solve severe and chronic discipline problems, including bullying, fighting, using abusive language, stealing, and refusing to work.

You'll gain a new understanding of what motivates severe and chronic misbehavior and, more important, what actions will help you effectively find solutions. You'll look at numerous real-life examples set in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms so you can see how to put the ideas into action in your own teaching situation.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Get Assertive!

with Ed2Go Instructor

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Are you tired of being intimidated and treated badly by others? Learn specific techniques to become more assertive in all parts of your life. Discover how people manipulate you and how you submit to being a victim. Understand the difference between passive, aggressive, and assertive behaviors, and see how inner dialogues keep people acting in passive ways. Explore ways to change your inner dialogue, such as using affirmations and visualization, creating new labels for yourself and others, and keeping a journal.

Do you think you speak non-assertively? If so, master the skills that will empower you to talk in an assertive manner, including specific verbal techniques and phrases for a variety of situations. Anger and criticism from others are difficult to deal with, so you will get many tips on how to handle these. Because your body can reflect an inner uncertainty, you will learn how to use facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, and your voice to reinforce the assertive statements you're making.

You teach people how to treat you through your behaviors as well as your words, and this course will help you understand which behaviors to use with others so they perceive you as being assertive. When you begin to exhibit your new confidence in relationships, people will counter in various ways. You will learn how to stand firm in the face of this resistance.

Get the assertiveness training you need in order to be more confident and powerful with family members, friends, bosses, co-workers, professionals, service people, and even total strangers. It's your turn to speak up!

Instructor-Led classes begin on Jun 14, Jul 12, Aug 16 and Sept 13.

Self-Paced classes start at anytime.  For more information or to register please click the link.

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Survival Kit for New Teachers

with Ed2Go Instructor

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Feel a little trepidation before entering your classroom? You're not alone! Whether you're already teaching, a newly credentialed graduate, or a substitute looking to transition to full-time, this course will provide you with proven tools, tips, and tricks to make your early years in the classroom a breeze.

Teaching is a balancing act, and it requires a blend of subject expertise and classroom skills to reach all of your diverse learners. In this informational and interactive course, you'll learn how to run a motivational classroom that will feel like home to your students. You will discover how to write winning lesson plans, reach diverse learners through differentiated instruction, communicate clearly, plan memorable events, and keep stress at bay so you can feel good about going to work every morning. You will reap the benefits gained through many years of firsthand classroom experience!

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Differentiating K-12 Assessments

with Ed2Go Instructor

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Differentiated assessment is the key to helping every student succeed. No matter what grade you're teaching, this course will give you the tools you need to gather your assessment data quickly and easily.

You will begin this course by exploring strategies for performing pre-assessments, formative assessments, and summative assessments. You'll discover how to identify and share learning goals, gather assessment information, adjust your instruction, and provide feedback to your students. Real-life examples will help you see how differentiated assessment provides direction for improvement, promotes confidence, and motivates your learners to do their best. Whether you're a new or experienced teacher, you'll gain skill and confidence as you get hands-on practice in using a wide range of assessment techniques. By the time you've completed these lessons, you'll have a clear roadmap for differentiating your assessments and a wealth of practical ideas you can start using in your classroom right away.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Creating the Inclusive Classroom: Strategies for Success

with Ed2Go Instructor

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Get the training you need to reach the diverse mix of students you face every day. You will learn proven strategies for inclusion that turn diversity into opportunity. With a mix of students who have learning disabilities, neurobiological disorders, and physical challenges, the modern classroom requires an efficient and effective teacher who can prioritize under tight deadlines and be creative on demand.

In this course, you will discover how students with special needs can become a part of the mainstream. You will learn to see the inclusive classroom as a home for these students, exploring how all students can benefit from an adaptive learning environment. You will examine how each child learns and what you can do to help them develop new strengths. You'll gain a deeper understanding of the opportunities offered by inclusion and how to build collaborative partnerships with the special educator and classroom aides. Above all, you'll discover creative, low-budget strategies for turning your inclusive classroom into a nurturing, supportive learning environment that helps every student!

For more information or to register please click the link.

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