Original source: https://storage.needpix.com/rsynced_images/self-confidence-440227_1280.jpg

Speak with Confidence

with MindEdge Instructor

You are not alone if your palms get a little sweaty when you have to speak in front of others. Whether delivering a speech in front of a large audience of professionals or having a direct conversation with one or two friends or coworkers, public speaking is one of the most common anxiety-inducing experiences. Our stress and nerves can impede our ability to deliver a clear message. "Speak with Confidence" will teach you to define and understand speaking anxiety. By understanding the typical causes of speaking anxiety and learning real-world relaxation and confidence-boosting techniques, you will learn practical ways to tackle and overcome your public speaking fears.

For more information or register please click the link.

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Original source: https://bwswebsites.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/istock-1172882387.jpg

This suite of five related courses covers various aspects of securing cloud services. Its structure is based on the Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) certification administered jointly by the Cloud Security Alliance and (ISC)2. Each course is comprised of two modules. The first provides content related to the course subject matter. The second module engages the learner with real-world scenarios in which he or she must apply the content of the first module. This bundle is designed for adult learners who are interested in gaining an introduction to information technology security. Some understanding of basic IT concepts is helpful. Individual courses included in this bundle are listed below.

Cloud Data Security

Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Security

Cloud Operations Security

A Manager's Guide to Cloud Computing and Cybersecurity

Application Development for Cloud Computing

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/4105/5396690212_24328cb4c7_b.jpg

Certificate in Agile Project Management

with MindEdge Instructor

$299 More Info

Agile project management practices have become the standard for software development projects. More recently, Agile has grown beyond software projects as more and more companies adopt Agile concepts and methodologies. Individuals who have a solid understanding of Agile have a distinct advantage in today's changing project management atmosphere. The courses included in this certificate program will provide managers the basic foundation they need to become competent Agile practitioners. The program introduces the learner to the basic methodologies, practices, and key concepts of Agile and enables the learner to explore, through case studies, many of the common challenges of working on an Agile team.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52265544068_04a556e1de_b.jpg

Successful project leaders understand that, to help their teams meet their objectives, they'll need to employ solid leadership and interpersonal skills that aid and empower the team's members. They'll have to apply sound delegation and facilitation strategies that allow the project staff to stay focused and remain on task. They'll need to make use of strong conflict resolution and negotiations training to address any issues that could hinder team production. And they'll have to demonstrate ethical leadership and compliance qualities that project participants can look to to guide their decisions and actions.

This self-paced, fully online course will help learners explore the key leadership and interpersonal skill set project leaders use to oversee projects and organize teams successfully. They'll get an overview of the behaviors that support project management, which will allow them to productively address problems, keep teams on track, and build trust among their coworkers, colleagues, and stakeholders.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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If you're a manager or supervisor, you have probably been faced with a difficult conversation with a direct report. Not only do these conversations require sensitivity, delicacy, and in all likelihood, confidentiality, but how the conversation is handled can greatly impact the outcome. This course seeks to prepare learners to better handle awkward and difficult discussions with employees. Many difficult conversations can impact employee productivity, but as the manager or supervisor, you can learn to coach and counsel employees to create a calmer work environment and increase staff retention and productivity in the process.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51956069825_35c61455db_b.jpg

Introduction to Leadership

with MindEdge Instructor

No matter your age or what phase of your career you're in, leadership is a crucial skill on the path to success. This course examines how to be an effective leader. This course asks the crucial questions about leadership in today's organizations: What is leadership and why is it important? What does effective leadership require? What is visionary leadership? What is the role of charisma? What is the difference between managing, administering, and leading? This course offers a balance of the theory of leadership with some real-world application to help you develop this critical skill for personal growth and success.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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