Original source: https://media.defense.gov/2022/Oct/26/2003102878/1200/1200/0/221003-F-EQ901-1226.JPG

Almost everything that happens in the workplace requires some form of communication. Frontline managers have to communicate with the workers they supervise, with their colleagues in management, and with their bosses in the executive suite. Being able to communicate clearly and effectively is a vital skill for any frontline manager. This course provides a brief introduction to communication theory, but the main emphasis is on practical approaches to communicating in the workplace. Topics include verbal and nonverbal communication; how to develop a clear message; how to tailor your message to suit your purpose; how to communicate down, to the workers who report directly to you; and how to communicate up, to your bosses in senior management.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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BHP: Behavioral Health Professional Training

with Jeff Carpenter

Price not available More Info


Our community is looking for individuals who want to make a difference in a child’s life.

Children’s Behavioral Health Services are vital to Maine’s children with Intellectual Disabilities, Autism and Mental Health Disorders and their families. And the need in our area is great!

As an integral part of the child’s treatment team, a Certified Behavioral Health Professional (BHP) has the opportunity to make an immediate impact while helping a child grow and develop to their full potential.

We are excited to connect our community to this wonderful ONLINE training program. The online training will equip you to help children who are receiving Behavior Health services. The training will prepare you for employment through local social services agencies. The program can be started at any time and finished at your own pace.

You will complete 12 online modules then 3 4-hour live sessions, including the new ethics and boundaries training.  Once the modules are completed, you will receive free online blood borne pathogen training and virtual First Aid & CPR training if you do not already possess those certifications. The entire training requirements will take about 45 hours. 

Any individual who will be 18 years of age or older upon completion of the course may register.

See Blended Learning Curriculum at Woodfords Family Service for more information.

BHP Registration Form

After registering for the BHP program, Woodfords Family Service will send you the information needed to get started.

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Image uploaded by MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

This is where your future begins!  Whether you are looking to complete your high school education (diploma or HiSET, formerly GED), wanting to brush off skills for college, or heading toward a career, this is the first step.  During this one-on-one meeting, we will discuss your academic history and current standing, any barriers to progress, and goals; short & long term. We will also give a clear picture of how our program works and what you can expect from us.   

We accept new students throughout the school year! Submit this request for information and we will be in touch!


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