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Educator’s Fundamentals Series

with Ed2Go Instructor

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Solving Classroom Discipline Problems I

Why do some teachers enjoy peaceful, orderly classrooms while others face daily discipline battles? The answer is that some teachers know the secrets to solving discipline problems. This course reveals those secrets and presents a step-by-step approach to effective, positive classroom discipline.

Solving Classroom Discipline Problems II

In this professional development course, you'll get the teacher training you need to deal effectively with serious discipline problems and help even the most challenging students you're teaching make more responsible choices. You'll discover how to use a new research-based six-step approach to solve severe and chronic discipline problems, including bullying, fighting, using abusive language, stealing, and refusing to work.

Teaching Students with ADHD

Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are always hearing things like "Try harder," "Pay attention," and "Sit still." And they'd love to do these things; but they don't know how. In this course, you'll discover practical ways to help children with ADHD control their behavior and succeed in school.

Series bundles are not eligible for partial drops or refunds. Transfers to other open sessions of the same course are available. Please refer to your school for additional details regarding drops, transfers, and refunds on Series bundles.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Keys to Effective Communication

with Ed2Go Instructor

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If you often find yourself at a loss for words or lack confidence in your communication abilities, you will appreciate this course. Each lesson works through the step by step process needed to become a great conversationalist. You will learn to use communication to build rapport and create environments of trust, warmth, and respect. Become more confident, create a great first impression, get along well with others, and create more and better personal and professional relationships.

Instructor-Led classes begin on July 12, August 16 and Sept 13.  

Self-paced classes begin at anytime.  For more information or to register please click the link.

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Oracle SQL Training

with Ed2Go Instructor

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Mastering Oracle SQL is one today's most marketable programming skills for end-to-end developers. This online, self-paced course covers the basics of Oracle SQL. You will learn the fundamentals, including queries, procedures, and functions through hands-on assignments. By course completion, your SQL skills will be on par with industry standards.

What you will learn:

How tables are structured and how data is stored

To use Oracle to output reports and to use SQL functions

To group data to get aggregate values

To write joins and subqueries to get data from multiple tables and to write INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements

To use SET operators and to do conditional processing with CASE

How you will benefit:

Gain skills that every developers needs

Bring your SQL skills to any web development job

For more information click on the link.

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Nonprofit Suite

with Ed2Go Instructor

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Introduction to Nonprofit Management

Develop the skills and strategies you need to become an integral part of one of America's fastest growing service sectors. In this course, a twelve-year veteran in the nonprofit management field will show you how to transform your good intentions into a professional plan of action. You'll understand the unique characteristics of nonprofit organizations while mastering the core knowledge necessary to become an effective leader in the nonprofit arena.

In this course, you will learn skills and develop strategies that will take your organization to new heights of prosperity and productivity. You'll gain a full understanding the role of the executive director and the board of directors, special event and meeting management, public relation strategies, and how to find a position in this fascinating and rewarding field of work.

Marketing Your Nonprofit

Under pressure to increase membership, expand program value, attract media, entice donors, and develop volunteers, all while keeping an eye on the bottom line?

In the face of stiff competition, more worthwhile causes, more regulations, more watchdog agencies, and fewer funding opportunities, you need to work smarter, not longer.

This course will show you how to use powerful marketing techniques to compete more effectively for customers, donors, members, and volunteers. You'll also learn how to persuade the media to communicate your organization's message and further its ideals and goals.

Nonprofit Fundraising Essentials

Take your first step toward a rewarding career in fundraising for nonprofit organizations!

First, you'll explore the skills you'll need to become a successful fundraiser. After that, you'll discover where the best corporate and foundation fundraising jobs are and how to apply for them.

Next, you'll delve into every area of nonprofit fundraising—annual funds, special events, corporate relations, foundation relations, major gifts, and planned giving. You'll also learn about capital campaigns and find out why they're a crucial element of nonprofit fundraising.

Along the way, you'll view real-life examples of writing projects, from gift acknowledgment letters to proposals, and you'll hone your own writing skills. In addition, you'll explore fundraising software tools you can use to track your efforts and enhance your results.

Suite bundles are not eligible for partial drops or refunds. Transfers to other open sessions of the same course are available. Please refer to your school for additional details regarding drops, transfers, and refunds on Suite bundles.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Veterinary Medical Terminology

with Ed2Go Instructor

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To work in the veterinary field, you need to understand the medical language unique to the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of animals. This online course will teach you the definition and uses of veterinary medical terminology.

You will master veterinary medical terminology through a simplified learning process that builds on commonly used word parts. Each course lesson is designed to build on this foundation, with the material and illustrations focusing on the new word parts and definitions needed for success in the veterinary field.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Image uploaded by MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Around 30% of students in sixth grade already have trouble with basic reading and writing. These literacy problems affect performance across subject areas, and they often leave teachers wondering how to help. In this course, you will examine the reasons reading and writing are so difficult for students. Then you will encounter the total literacy framework and see what it does to mitigate literacy problems. Since this framework is based on guided reading lessons that flow naturally into writing challenges, you will learn to successfully transition from guided readings to writing lessons.

Once you have encountered the basic framework, you will investigate a number of ways to modify this basic recipe for a variety of K-12 circumstances, wrapping up with a look at good writing habits and the traits of a productive writing conference. If you're looking for the right way to get students excited about the power of literacy, this is the course for you!

For more information or to register please click the link.

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