ZOOM allows you to attend live classes or complete weekly check-ins remotely with your instructor.
Essential Education provides access to both the HiSET & CASAS academies. These academies provide educational materials to help you succeed on the HiSET or earn English or math credit toward your diploma.
Learning upgrade provides access to curriculum that can be completed for credit in math or English. It also provides lessons to help you improve your digital literacy skills to earn your digital literacy credit.
Adult Ed uses a variety of Google applications for course work and communication. You will be provided with an Adult Ed Gmail account.
- Gmail How-To Video (forwarding to personal email)
- Google Drive How-To Video (accessing Learner Profile)
Study.com provides online video lessons and assessments in a variety of content areas including history, medical fields and advanced science.
This platform provides practice exercises in English and math to reinforce concepts learned through class instruction. Time spent on IXL goes toward earning course credit hours.
- instructions
Remind is an app Adult Ed utilizes to allow two-way communication between instructors/staff and students. You can receive notifications via text and/or email.
- instructions