Original source: https://storage.needpix.com/rsynced_images/writing-1209121_1280.jpg

Mystery Writing

with Ed2Go Instructor

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You may be surprised to discover that many, if not all, of the books you have read recently are mysteries. From Dan Brown to Dennis Lehane, mysteries are hot items on today's best-seller lists. This course is designed to teach you the techniques you need to know if you want to become a best-selling mystery author.

The course begins by introducing you to the four types of stories and explains how they relate to mysteries. You will discover the three-act story structure and show you how to propel the action forward to a climax, followed by a release of tension as your readers experience a great finish. You will discover the between story and plot and get a chance to experiment with viewpoints to see which one works best with your mystery. This course will allow you to write a complete scene and learn the internal structure that makes every scene feel right. You will discover special techniques that apply to mysteries, including crime scene description, MacGuffins, and the use of red herrings to misdirect your readers and create suspense. Following each lesson, you will get to practice on your own story.

This information-packed online course combines the best advice of many writing professionals. Follow the guidelines taught in this course, and you will be well on your way to writing a successful mystery of your very own.

Instructor-Led dates are as follows May 17, Jun 14, July 12 and Aug 16.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Image uploaded by MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Certificate in Holistic and Integrative Health

with Ed2Go Instructor

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The concepts of alternative, holistic, and integrative medicine have their roots in various healing traditions that have been around for thousands of years. Yet, this philosophy is receiving much attention today due to the changing health care climate, a growing need for a "different" health care system, and a recognition of the benefits of combing the external, physical, and technologic successes of medicine with the internal, nonphysical exploration of healing. This Certificate Program has been endorsed by the American Holistic Nurses Association.

The outcome of this certificate program is for the learner to describe holistic and integrative therapeutic modalities and their role in health and healing.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51909690048_e82f8cd2f1_b.jpg

Individual Excellence

with Ed2Go Instructor

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Personal development is key to success in and out of the workplace. You can develop career-enhancing skills in a single course that covers twelve popular one-day seminar topics, including goal setting, time management, and personal organization. You will learn how to improve your creative abilities, gain confidence with financial matters, and how to minimize conflict in your life. By the time you finish this course, you will have developed a fulfilling career plan and will hold the skills to improve your interpersonal relationships.

Instructor-Led classes begin on Jun 14, Jul 12, Aug 16 and Sept 13.  Self-Paced classes start at anytime.  For more information or to register please click the link.

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Image uploaded by MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Nutrition is a major determinant of health as well as many common chronic diseases. Understanding the role of food and water, and making appropriate changes in one's diet can have powerful effects, both positive and negative, on health throughout life, influencing current health and whether or not an individual develops diseases as cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The burden of chronic diseases is rapidly increasing worldwide as traditional, largely plant- based diets are quickly being replaced by high-fat, energy-dense diets with a substantial content of animal-based foods. Hunger and malnutrition also remain devastating problems facing the majority of the world's poor and needy people. The relationship between nutrition and disease is irrefutable. This certificate addresses these issues and more and provides a solid foundation of knowledge and information to support individuals who wish to enhance their own well-being as well as health care professionals who wish to evolve in their profession, create new job opportunities for themselves in the exploding field of nutrition, health promotion, lifestyle coaching, etc.

The outcome of this certificate program is for the learner to describe the relationship between nutrition, chronic disease, and health promotion.

Class has begun
Original source: https://img.rawpixel.com/s3fs-private/rawpixel_images/website_content/upwk61804277-wikimedia-image.jpg?w=1200&h=1200&dpr=1&fit=clip&crop=default&fm=jpg&q=75&vib=3&con=3&usm=15&cs=srgb&bg=F4F4F3&ixlib=js-2.2.1&s=e7d3693a47f84d21492c5f8125510a18

A to Z Grant Writing II – Beyond the Basics

with Ed2Go Instructor

Price not available More Info

Are you ready to continue your journey into the world of grants? You will learn how to create a fundraising plan for all types of grantmakers. In addition, you will explore websites for finding and reviewing corporate, foundation, and government grant funding opportunities and grant application guidelines.

You will go through every aspect of strategic funding research, preparing a fundraising plan, writing an award-winning plan of operation, and creating a project budget without red flags. Then you will journey into the world of grants available for your projects. The excitement will build when you discover just how many funding opportunities are available.

You will see grants for arts and humanities, education, medical, science and agriculture, human services, and corporate foundation grants. You will also explore new grant-writing trends and what to do when you're notified of a grant award or a grant rejection. Don't worry, there's a plan to implement for future grant seeking success if you don't get your project funded.

By the end of the course, you will be prepared to continue tracking future grant-writing and funding trends, bounce back successfully from rejection notices, and manage all of your grant awards proficiently. In addition, you will gain confidence in all areas of grant seeking, grant writing, and grants management (post-award reporting requirements).

For more information please click the link.

Online registration unavailable
Original source: https://storage.needpix.com/rsynced_images/hwb-1606873_1280.jpg

Color Theory

with Ed2Go Instructor

Price not available More Info

Color plays an important role in visual communication, especially when designing websites. For web designers, understanding color theory is a key to creating a color palette for UI/UX projects. This self-paced course will teach you the fundamentals of color theory and how to apply this framework to your web design practice.

What you will learn

About the traditional color wheel and explore color in Adobe Illustrator

About relationships between colors and how to create a color "feel"

Basic color theory principles

About considerations for print and web

To create a color palette for your project

How you will benefit

Master the basics color theory in a completely online environment

Expand your web design skills to UI/UX

Perfect your use of color in your design projects

Self-Paced classes start anytime.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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