Original source: https://storage.needpix.com/rsynced_images/hwb-1606873_1280.jpg

Color Theory

with Ed2Go Instructor

Price not available More Info

Color plays an important role in visual communication, especially when designing websites. For web designers, understanding color theory is a key to creating a color palette for UI/UX projects. This self-paced course will teach you the fundamentals of color theory and how to apply this framework to your web design practice.

What you will learn

About the traditional color wheel and explore color in Adobe Illustrator

About relationships between colors and how to create a color "feel"

Basic color theory principles

About considerations for print and web

To create a color palette for your project

How you will benefit

Master the basics color theory in a completely online environment

Expand your web design skills to UI/UX

Perfect your use of color in your design projects

Self-Paced classes start anytime.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Class has begun
Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/5713/23718425906_0d1b65be17_b.jpg

Music Made Easy

with Ed2Go Instructor

$100 More Info

If you enjoy music and would like to know more about what makes it work, this is the course for you. You'll gain a complete understanding of rhythm, melody, and harmony, and you'll be able to recognize pitches on the musical staff and on the keyboard. Each lesson will build on previous lessons, while also introducing new musical concepts.

You'll explore the keyboard in full detail, with an emphasis on the structure of major scale and the signatures of major keys. You will examine the many significant contributions early music theorists made to the understanding of music and be able to build intervals, major scales, and chords. By the time you complete this comprehensive and full-featured course, you'll be able to read, write, and even play simple pieces of music!

Instructor-Led dates are as follows May 17, Jun 14, July 12 and Aug 16.

Self-Paced classes start anytime.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Image uploaded by MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

The concepts of alternative, holistic, and integrative medicine have their roots in various healing traditions that have been around for thousands of years. Yet, this philosophy is receiving much attention today due to the changing health care climate, a growing need for a "different" health care system, and a recognition of the benefits of combing the external, physical, and technologic successes of medicine with the internal, nonphysical exploration of healing. This Certificate Program has been endorsed by the American Holistic Nurses Association.

The outcome of this certificate program is for the learner to describe holistic and integrative therapeutic modalities and their role in health and healing.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/5493/9061909604_54d4ddb801_b.jpg

Photoshop Elements for the Digital Photographer II

with Ed2Go Instructor

Price not available More Info

If you've taken the first Photoshop Elements for the Digital Photographer course, or if you have a basic working knowledge of Photoshop Elements, this course will help you take your skills to the next level. You'll gain ability and confidence as you master the advanced features of this software, specifically designed for photo enthusiasts. Packed with hands-on activities and step-by-step instructions, this course will make you an accomplished editor.

Photoshop Elements gives you room to grow while allowing you to create exciting effects right from the beginning. Because it offers you more features and tools than you'll find in simpler programs, it broadens the options available to you as an amateur photographer. With the techniques you'll learn here, you'll be able to edit and enhance your photos with ease, and you'll have the power to transform any shot from "okay" to "wow!".

For more information or to register please click the links.

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Original source: https://storage.needpix.com/rsynced_images/notebook-3478530_1280.jpg

Beginning Writer’s Workshop

with Ed2Go Instructor

Price not available More Info

Some of the best works of fiction and nonfiction were crafted in a writer's workshop. This online course will help you write your own creative piece. Like a true writing workshop, you will learn literary techniques, peer review a classmate's work, and receive constructive criticism on your work.

In addition, you will learn how to move your work from the prewriting stage to editing and final revision. You will also learn how to use literary devices, meaningful dialogue, and imagery in your different drafts. By the end of this online workshop, you will have a thoroughly developed creative writing piece. You might even be ready for publication!

This is an Instructor-Led class.  Sessions begin on May 17th, Jun 14th, July 12th and Aug 16th.  For more information or to register please click the link.

Class has begun
Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/4065/4364873489_96a8868381_b.jpg

Probate Law and Estate Planning

with Ed2Go Instructor

Price not available More Info

This course will help you navigate the laws of probate processes and estate planning. You'll learn how various types of ownership affect the passage of property at owner death, with or without a will. You will also learn about the administration and taxation of estates as well as basic requirements for trusts, wills and guardianships.

Introduction to Estate Planning

Components of a Will

Execution of a Will

Trusts in Estate Planning

For more info click on the link.


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