Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/8427/7768475604_d32bb5e3d1_b.jpg

Write and Publish Your Nonfiction Book

with Ed2Go Instructor

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Whether you dream of becoming a full-time author, writing books to advance your career, or penning your memoir or family history, this fun and information-packed course will teach you how to plan, research, write, edit, and publish your masterpiece.

You'll learn how to immerse yourself in your subject and get the information you need from research, interviews, and observation techniques. You'll see how to choose a writing style, structure, and slant that will appeal to your unique audience and keep readers hooked. You will also discover exactly how today's traditional publishing industry works and what techniques you can use—such as crafting standout query letters and proposals—to get noticed by editors and agents. Above all, you'll get invaluable strategies for setting a writing schedule, banishing writer's block, and actually finishing your book! By the end of this course, you'll have all the tools at your fingertips to get your book completed and published!

Self-Paced classes start anytime.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Original source: https://storage.needpix.com/rsynced_images/writer-605764_1280.jpg

Write Your Life Story

with Ed2Go Instructor

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Have you thought about writing your story, sharing life-altering events? Does your family really know about their heritage? If you've ever thought about writing your life story, now is the time!

In this course, you will have the satisfaction of telling history your way. You will learn how to bring characters to life, recall vivid memories, engage readers, and even manage your creative time. You may even find a lucrative market for your story, just like the authors of the bestselling Rocket Boys and Angela's Ashes. This course walks you step-by-step through the process of writing your life story. It's fun. It's exciting. It's a story only you can tell!

Instructor-Led dates are as follows May 17, Jun 14, July 12 and Aug 16.

Self-Paced classes start anytime.

For more info please click here.

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Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/7412/9101944483_f652edf71f_b.jpg

Get Funny!

with Ed2Go Instructor

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The ability to create humor is a skill many people don't have, yet wish they did. If you're interested in learning how to come up with jokes or witticisms on the fly, punch up dull material for an audience, or make a living as a comedy writer, this course will get you going.

Once you've learned some of the methods of creating humor, you'll be ready to apply it to all aspects of your life. Punch up speeches and presentations so that the audience is instantly on your side. Mix laughter with learning in the classroom, and watch your students' attention spans grow. Add some humor to your web page and watch the hits explode as word gets out. Use your newfound sense of humor to entertain your friends, meet interesting people, and even make new friends! Learning should be fun, and this course is no exception. Filled with opportunities to laugh as you learn, "Get Funny" promises to be an entertaining and informative experience.

Instructor-Led dates are as follows May 17, Jun 14, July 12 and Aug 16.

Self-Paced classes start anytime.

For more information or to register please click the link.


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Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/8819/18007925498_b329700526_b.jpg

Human Anatomy and Physiology

with Ed2Go Instructor

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This course explains the nature of matter and the principles of chemistry that are important to human physiology. You will learn principles of genetics and gain an understanding of how traits are passed from one generation to the next.

This course goes in-depth on how the circulatory and respiratory systems work together to provide human bodies with the oxygen their tissues need, and how they work together with the skin and kidneys to rid the body of wastes. You will learn how human bodies fight off diseases, and how the digestive system converts food into energy and tissue. You will spend time on the endocrine system, which supplies the hormones needed for survival, and the reproductive system, the group of organs that allows life to be passed on to another generation.

In addition, each lesson includes information about specific disorders that sometimes happen to human bodies. By the end of this course, you will have a greater appreciation and understanding of the marvelous complexity of the human body.

For more information please click the link.

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Original source: https://img.rawpixel.com/s3fs-private/rawpixel_images/website_content/upwk61767288-wikimedia-image.jpg?w=1200&h=1200&dpr=1&fit=clip&crop=default&fm=jpg&q=75&vib=3&con=3&usm=15&cs=srgb&bg=F4F4F3&ixlib=js-2.2.1&s=38b30a45e347e709a0ef47a3d2400d0c

Speed Spanish

with Ed2Go Instructor

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Imagine yourself speaking, reading and writing Spanish. Now you can with Speed Spanish. This course is designed for anyone who wants to learn Spanish pronto.

You will learn six easy recipes for gluing Spanish words together to form sentences. In no time at all, you will be able to go into any Spanish speaking situation and converse in Spanish. ¡Qué Bueno!

For more information click on the link.


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Homeschool With Success

with Ed2Go Instructor

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Homeschooling can be a bit of a mystery if you're new to the topic. In this course, you'll start at the beginning, delving into the history of homeschooling and examining its status today in all 50 states. You'll see how to find the laws and regulations that govern your community and you might be surprised to learn that homeschooling is legal and growing all around you. As you discover what you need to know to homeschool your children, you'll also become familiar with the terminology the homeschool community uses.

You'll see how homeschooling gives you the opportunity to socialize your children as well as build long-lasting and productive relationships with peers and adults. You'll also find out how homeschooling gives you unique opportunities to teach valuable life skills. From manners to money management, you can be sure your children master subjects that don't make it into most textbooks. You'll also learn about full-time homeschooling for travelers and how it can fit into their adventurous lives. When you finish this course, you'll have lots of information and guidance to plot your homeschooling course for years to come!

For more information or to register please click the link.

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