Original source: https://media.defense.gov/2022/Oct/06/2003092059/1920/1080/0/100504-G-CG123-1043.JPG

Praxis Core Preparation

with Ed2Go Instructor

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Are you a prospective teacher who needs to pass the Praxis Core Exam? Have you already attempted the Praxis Core and not been successful? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then this course is for you.

You will get familiar with the different types of questions that appear on the reading and writing tests. You will master the many areas of math that you will be tested on: number operations, negative numbers, exponents, square roots, order of operations, decimals, fractions, percentages, algebra, geometry, systems of measurement, and probability and statistics. To prepare for the two essays, you will learn what constitutes high scoring essays and go through the process of writing each essay in the amount of time allotted.

You will also learn useful test-taking strategies and have the opportunity to take a full-length practice test in each subject area. Using clear explanations, numerous examples, graphics, animation, and videos, this course will not only prepare you for the Praxis Core, but do so in a fun and interesting way. After completing this course, you will be ready to pass the Praxis Core Exam.

This class is Instructor-Led or Self-paced.  Instructor-Led classes start April 12, May 17, Jun 14 and July 12.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Skills for Making Great Decisions

with Ed2Go Instructor

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Learn how to make excellent everyday decisions from an experienced counselor and life coach. In this online course, you'll learn about some wonderful abilities you're born with for figuring things out and making good decisions. You'll also see why your instincts and intuition sometimes deceive you and how self-knowledge can help you guard against becoming overly confident. You'll discover the steps necessary to achieve your goals, as well as the power that ordinary, everyday decisions can have over the quality of your life.

You'll learn how to deal effectively with a crisis, how to use your emotions as decision-making tools, and how to work with others to make good decisions. You'll develop some important guidelines for when to take risks, when to trust your luck, and what to do if you make a mistake. The goal of this course is to give you the power to live the best life you can and make the very most of every opportunity.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Personal Finance

with Ed2Go Instructor

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Do you have clear financial goals? Are you confident you will be able to retire someday? How can be sure you are making the right investments? Do you know how to change your credit report to reduce your expenses and increase your financial security? Do you know how to keep good financial records?

This course will prepare you for a lifetime of worthwhile personal financial planning. The tools you will learn are useful, realistic, and easy to work into your regular routine. They will help you gain control over the financial impact of the choices you make. You will learn to create and use a budget, borrow and invest wisely, make intelligent decisions about insurance, and plan for your financial future. You will develop a retirement savings plan, and you will be better prepared to make large purchases and plan for taxes. You will learn the essentials of household bookkeeping, recordkeeping requirements, and much, much more.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Original source: https://storage.needpix.com/rsynced_images/writing-13931299342873AvD.jpg

Romance Writing

with MindEdge Instructor

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Romance is the #1 selling genre in mass-market fiction with readers clamoring for more! To pen a novel romance readers' love, you'll need to understand how to meet and exceed their expectations. Whether you're a new or experienced writer, this course will help you broaden your skills and understand exactly what makes a romance reader finish a book with that "Ahh" of satisfaction. You will start by learning about the genre of romance and exploring why you fell in love with your favorite romance novels. You will explore how to craft three-dimensional characters your readers will love and how to weave a plot so your story grabs the reader's interest from page one. You will gain valuable techniques—your "romance writer's toolbox"—to apply to your own manuscript.

You will also spend a couple lessons looking at and practicing elements important for any writer to master: setting, pacing, point of view, dialogue, research, mood, and tone. You will take on fun assignments that will help you hone your craft. By the time you finish, you'll be able to pick up a book and figure out what makes it a best seller, or why it's been called a classic, or why it appealed to you as a reader. Even better, you'll have mastered tools and techniques so you can add those same elements to your own writing.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52652852827_de72bca6c6_b.jpg

Photographing People With Your Digital Camera

with Ed2Go Instructor

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Photographing people can be fun, exciting, and complicated! This course will make taking beautiful pictures of adults, children, and babies simple. You will start with the basic principles you need to know in order to become a people photographer. You will discover the best way to shoot faces, fix common close-up problems, and use digital photo editing techniques to retouch your photos and make other improvements.

Then you will move onto portrait and formal group shots, where you will learn how to organize people, which angles to use, and which to avoid. You will become proficient in action photography, and you will learn some fun, creative ways to photograph children and babies. You will even gain expertise in filling your photographs with imagery, setting moods, and creating themes. This course will have you well on your way to becoming a skilled people photographer.

Instructor-Led dates are as follows May 17, Jun 14, July 12 and Aug 16.

Self-Paced classes start anytime.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Image uploaded by MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Mind-Body Therapies Bundle

with Ed2Go Instructor

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Certificate in Energy Medicine

(10 contact hours) There is increasing scientific evidence that human beings are comprised of a biofield, an energetic system that is highly integrated with the physical body, emotions, and the spiritual aspect of individuals. Because of this evidence, medical and health care professionals are increasingly incorporating methods of energy healing with modern health care methods. In this certificate, you'll explore the fundamentals of energy medicine.

As a foundation for your understanding of energy medicine, you'll examine the scientific evidence of the biofield and explore Indian healing traditions regarding the chakras (the energy centers in the body). With this foundation in place, you'll go on to discover a variety of healing practices that focus on treating the biofield. You'll see how music and sound can be used therapeutically, and explore the benefits of the mind-body practice of meditation for promoting present-moment awareness.

The certificate also examines various gentle hand techniques used to balance the biofield, including Therapeutic Touch®, Healing Touch, Reiki, reflexology, and craniosacral therapy. Finally, you'll learn about traditional Chinese practices such as qigong, a holistic system of self-healing with a focus on posture and movement, breathing techniques, and meditation, and acupuncture.

Program Benefits:

The Energy Medicine certificate program offers a multidisciplinary educational experience. Your certificate in Energy Medicine will distinguish you as a knowledgeable, skilled, and committed professional. This program will:

Career Opportunities:

The Energy Medicine certificate program provides health care professionals and interested individuals in a wide range of careers with the knowledge and skills to effectively meet the needs of a culturally diverse patient and client population. Today, opportunities exist in the fields of nursing, social work, massage therapy, teaching, hospice care, administration, and research. Opportunities also exist within government programs and agencies; public and private institutions that provide health, education, and social services; research centers; special interest groups; colleges and universities; and corporate human resources divisions.


This certificate is relevant for registered nurses, nurse practitioners, licensed vocational nurses, practical nurses, nursing assistants, social workers, occupational therapists, recreation therapists, physical therapists, respiratory therapists, administrators, psychologists, marriage and family therapists, dieticians, educators, personal care assistants, volunteers, physicians, physician's assistants, chiropractors, clergy, physical fitness professionals, and interested individuals.

Note: All healthcare providers are responsible for checking the "Accreditation" list to determine if this course awards contact hours for their profession.

Certificate in Meditation

(8 contact hours) Although there are many ways to meditate and many different forms of meditation, they all share a unifying characteristic: Each focuses on intentionally training a person's attention and concentration. Meditation practices have been used by cultures around the world for thousands of years.

In this certificate program, you'll explore the many meditation techniques that can be used to support the mind-body connection and promote healing and wellness. You'll gain an overview of the religious roots of meditation in Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, and Sufism, as well as how these techniques can be used by any practitioner, regardless of faith or religious affiliation. The program is designed for health professionals and nurses as well as general consumers, and covers techniques including Transcendental Meditation™, guided imagery and visualization meditation, mindfulness meditation, Osho Kundalini Meditation™, Vipassana meditation, walking meditation, laughter meditation, centering prayer meditation, and concentration meditation.

As you'll learn, meditation's health effects have been well documented. The practice offers improvement of the symptoms of various diseases and allows practitioners to experience a deeper spiritual connection. This program will guide you as you discover how the practice of meditation can be used to increase mindfulness, reduce stress, deal with pain and illness, and support overall well-being.

Program Benefits:

The Meditation certificate program offers a multidisciplinary educational experience. Your certificate in Meditation will distinguish you as a knowledgeable, skilled, and committed professional. This program will:

Career Opportunities:

The Meditation certificate program provides health care professionals and interested individuals in a wide range of careers with the knowledge and skills to effectively meet the needs of a culturally diverse patient and client population. Today, opportunities exist in the fields of nursing, social work, massage therapy, teaching, hospice care, administration, and research. Opportunities also exist within government programs and agencies; public and private institutions that provide health, education, and social services; research centers; special interest groups; colleges and universities; and corporate human resources divisions.


This certificate is relevant for registered nurses, nurse practitioners, licensed vocational nurses, practical nurses, nursing assistants, social workers, occupational therapists, recreation therapists, physical therapists, respiratory therapists, administrators, psychologists, marriage and family therapists, dieticians, educators, personal care assistants, volunteers, physicians, physician's assistants, chiropractors, clergy, physical fitness professionals, and interested individuals.

Note: All healthcare providers are responsible for checking the "Accreditation" list to determine if this course awards contact hours for their profession.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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