Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/4303/36038688651_f8b9db8246_b.jpg

Creating Web Pages

with Ed2Go Instructor

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Create and post your very own website using HTML. You will learn the best strategies for planning the content, structure, and layout of your website as well as creating pages with neatly formatted text, building links between the pages, and more! This course will also cover search engine optimization and powerful no-cost or low-cost web marketing strategies.

Self paced classes can start at anytime.

For more information please click the link.

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Designed specifically for those with little to no fiction writing experience, find your pathway towards your fiction writing goals. Learn the basic building blocks of story: character, plot and setting. Then find out the different forms of fiction writing and some of the genres you might like to explore. 

Whether you’ve never written a word of fiction, or haven’t written since high school or college, you will complete the course with the skills you need to get started. Create a new work of fiction, or revive an old one that’s been sitting in your bottom drawer.

Click here for more information about the course specifics, dates, cost and registration.

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General Ledger and Month End Procedures

with UGot Class

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In this course, you will learn how to post journal entries to the correct general ledger accounts impacted by each transaction. This course will show you how to make sure your general ledger balances at the end of each month by preparing an unadjusted trial balance. You will learn how to look for errors when you don’t balance, and how to determine to correct entries. After posting correcting entries and/or adjusting entries, you will verify debits and credits equal with an adjusted trial balance. This course also goes through the steps of performing monthly bank reconciliations.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Image uploaded by MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Learning While Black

with UGot Class

$145 More Info

Educators and psychologists know that learning is significantly affected by factors such as stress, anxiety, self-image, cultural expectations and societal expectations. The increasing number of students diverse backgrounds in today’s classrooms introduces a tremendous diversity of lived experience which influences how students learn. 

In today’s public schools, the majority of teachers, 80% are white, and the majority of learners are students of color. This fact alone suggests a strong potential for a cultural and communication gap between teachers and their students. Research findings confirm that black students face significant challenges to their learning as a result of unconscious bias and lack of cultural awareness on the part of teachers. It is well documented that black students, particularly boys, are more likely to be on the receiving end of disciplinary action, more likely to be suspended from school, and are at greater risk of failing than are other students. It is also well documented that black children are perceived to be older than white children of the same age and are more likely, as a result, to have expectations for behavior that are developmentally inappropriate.

These factors, along with micro-aggressions that are common, and sometimes racially motivated aggression by peers render the learning environment for black students fraught with challenges that may be unseen or unrecognized by educators.

In this course, we will examine the factors that come together to create unique challenges to black students in the classroom and explore ways in which teachers can minimize those challenges and support school success for all students. 

Click here for more information about the course specifics, dates, cost and registration.

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Original source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/68/Boxwood_PS_kindergarten_classroom.jpg

Today, every school in America has students who have been diagnosed with ASD (Austim Spectrum Disorder)—a neurological disorder on the autism spectrum. The effects of this disorder vary widely, but it is important for every teacher to understand how to recognize behaviors that may indicate ASD. In this course, you take away strategies for working effectively with ASD students. And you will find out how to work effectively with parents to create the most positive learning environments for children and teens with this disorder. The course is geared for K-12 teachers, but it is also relevant for counselors, faculty in higher education, parents and anyone else interested in understanding this important issue. 3 Grad Credits (Optional): From Framingham State University, a leading provider of K-12 teacher training. Requirements are to complete the four Unit Quizzes at 80% level (you may retake them til you reach 80%); make at least one comment in each of the four Unit discussions; and write a 1-2 page paper based on the course, submitting it within two weeks after the course ends. PRDV 79520, additional $225 cost, payable to LERN.

Info sent after you register for the course, or email us at info@lern.org

For more info you can click this link.

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Image uploaded by MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Cash is King

with UGot Class

Price not available More Info

Cash is arguably the most important factor in business success. D&B reports 90% of all small business failures are due to poor cash flow—more money gets paid out than collected. It is the non-financial manager who really makes a difference in the day-to-day cash activities. Discover how to maximize cash flow, learn the importance of cash and find out your role in cash flow success.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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