Original source: https://storage.needpix.com/rsynced_images/writing-13931299342873AvD.jpg

Introduction to Grant Writing

with MindEdge Instructor

$150 More Info

Writing grants is often a critical part of gaining funding for any nonprofit organization's mission. Strategic grant writing aligns the needs of a nonprofit with funding sources, whether foundations, government agencies, corporations, or individuals. This introductory-level course offers a guide to the basics of grant writing. The course explores the relationship between grant writing and an organization's strategy for fundraising. It also outlines the six stages of grant writing and highlights grant writing best practices.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Original source: https://storage.needpix.com/rsynced_images/writing-13931299342873AvD.jpg

Creative Writing: Children’s Books

with MindEdge Instructor

Do you love writing or children? Have you dreamed of having your own book published? This course will guide you through the process of identifying the format and audience for your book, brainstorming ideas, developing a plot and characters, writing effectively, seeking and benefiting from feedback, and finally perfecting your manuscript to send off to an agent or publisher. Whether you know exactly what you want to write or are still fishing around for ideas, this course will take you to the next level through exercises designed to further your particular project.

For more information or to register click on the link.

Online registration unavailable
Original source: https://storage.needpix.com/rsynced_images/clouds-96588_1280.jpg

Personal Finance

with MindEdge Instructor

Personal finance is a critical skill for long-term financial success. However, many adults have learned what they know about personal finance as they've progressed through life. What have you missed along the way? No matter what your financial situation is, it is important to understand how to handle your money. This course will familiarize you with the basics of budgeting, including creating and managing a budget, as well as setting financial goals, understanding your credit, tips for saving money, and the basics of investing.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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Original source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Rooftop_gardening_in_Lom%C3%A9.jpg

Gardening in Small Spaces

with MindEdge Instructor

When you're hoping to breathe new life into your yard, the idea of nurturing a flourishing garden sounds like a great new hobby. But, when you only have a small outdoor area to work with, it can be a high-stakes endeavor. This course will guide you through the basics of garden design, plant selection, planting, maintaining your garden, and troubleshooting so that you can experience success and enjoy the natural environment you have created. Whether you're hoping to eat out of your garden or just enjoy the view, this course can help you get the most out of your small space.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Class has begun
Original source: https://storage.needpix.com/rsynced_images/writing-13931299342873AvD.jpg

Creative Writing: Memoir

with MindEdge Instructor

Do you have a story to tell? Most of us do—correction, we all do. Every one of us, by virtue of being human, has experiences and insights that are worth retelling. But how can we tell those stories in a way that other people will want to read them and learn from them? Memoir is the art of taking scenes from our past and presenting them to an audience, not simply for the sake of telling a story but to inform, entertain, and establish an emotional bond with our readers. By exploring memories and examining our lives, we also learn a lot about ourselves.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Class has begun
Original source: https://storage.needpix.com/rsynced_images/money-3900798_1280.jpg

Banking Today

with MindEdge Instructor

$200 More Info

Financial institutions are unlike any other business. To someone new to the world of banking, it can seem puzzling. However, financial institutions play a key role in maintaining thriving communities and economies. The welfare of the nation depends on the banking industry. In this course, learners will examine types of banking, customer groups, the business of banking, and the role of banks in a community.

For more info please click on the link.

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