Original source: https://storage.needpix.com/rsynced_images/girl-791231_1280.jpg

The Craft of Magazine Writing

with Ed2Go Instructor

Price not available More Info

Have you ever thought about writing for magazines? Turn your dreams into bylines and help yourself to a bright future as a magazine writer. It is fun, easy, and a great source of extra income. If you are a determined new writer, or if you haven't written for magazines in years, this class will jump-start your career. You will learn plenty of powerful brainstorming techniques designed to get those creative juices flowing with articles that practically write themselves.

Instructor-Led dates are as follows May 17, Jun 14, July 12 and Aug 16.

Self-Paced classes start anytime.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Class has begun
Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/7364/27623264486_115c435657_b.jpg

Diversity Training for Employees and Managers

with Ed2Go Instructor

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This Diversity Training for Employees and Managers is ideal for anyone working in a professional environment. The course brings people together by focusing on principles like respect, acceptance and inclusivity. It is designed to help employees and managers gain a better understanding of the skills, characteristics, and talents that each person brings to the table regardless of their background. The class emphasizes the need to communicate, negotiate, and collaborate in a diverse environment both internally and externally.

For more information please click on the link.

Online registration unavailable
Image uploaded by MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

The concepts of alternative, holistic, and integrative medicine have their roots in various healing traditions that have been around for thousands of years. Yet, this philosophy is receiving much attention today due to the changing health care climate, a growing need for a "different" health care system, and a recognition of the benefits of combing the external, physical, and technologic successes of medicine with the internal, nonphysical exploration of healing. This Certificate Program has been endorsed by the American Holistic Nurses Association.

The outcome of this certificate program is for the learner to describe holistic and integrative therapeutic modalities and their role in health and healing.

For more information or to register click the link.

Class has begun
Original source: https://wallartcanvases.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Wave-Atlantic-Pacific-Ocean-Huge-Large-Blue-free-printable-wall-art.jpg

Drawing for the Absolute Beginner

with Ed2Go Instructor

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If you've always been interested in drawing but don't really know how to get started, then this is the course for you. Gain a solid foundation and understanding of the basics of drawing and become the artist you've always dreamed you could be!

You'll become intimately familiar with paper types, drawing styles, rendering techniques, and the basic principles of perspective, layout, design, lighting, volume, and space. If you have an interest in learning what it's like to draw or would love to increase your current knowledge in the field of art and illustrating, then this course aims to fulfill all of your needs.

For more info please click here.

Class has begun
Original source: https://storage.needpix.com/rsynced_images/photographer-698908_1280.jpg

Secrets of Better Photography

with Ed2Go Instructor

Price not available More Info

Secrets of Better Photography will teach you how to take outstanding photos. Whether you use a DSLR, a point-and-shoot camera, or your phone for your photography, you will learn how to get the best results from your camera.

This hands-on course will teach you how to choose the right photographic equipment to compose images with style. You can take your camera out of auto mode after learning about lighting, motion, aperture, shutter speed, and ISO settings. You will also explore common photography topics, including portraiture, children's photography, pet photography, and digital editing.

Each lesson includes exercises and assignments, so you can apply what you learned to your own camera. By the time you finish, you will see a difference in both your photographer's eye and your photos.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Class has begun
Original source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ee/1119_Muscles_that_Move_the_Humerus_b.png

Human Physiology Series

with Ed2Go Instructor

Price not available More Info

Human Anatomy and Physiology I

In this course we'll discuss everything from cell anatomy to human genetics to functions of the different organ systems. Each lesson includes information about specific disorders that sometimes happen to our bodies, and we'll also talk about some recent advances in medicine. By the end of this course, you'll have a greater appreciation and understanding of the marvelous complexity of the human body!

Human Anatomy and Physiology II

In this course, we'll cover some more advanced topics that we didn't have time for in Human Anatomy and Physiology I. We'll cover histology, how the brain processes senses, cellular metabolism, and even pregnancy and childbirth.

Series bundles are not eligible for partial drops or refunds. Transfers to other open sessions of the same course are available. Please refer to your school for additional details regarding drops, transfers, and refunds on Series bundles.

Instructor-Led dates are as follows May 17, Jun 14, July 12 and Aug 16.

Self-Paced classes start anytime.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Class has begun